How do I reconcile sales data synced to Xero?
Once you have connected Xero to and confirmed your settings, starting from the next payout, we will begin sending this data to Xero in the form of an invoice. To Reconcile a Payout (Orders placed with Shopify Payments), all you need to do is head to your Dashboard within Xero. Your different accounts will display the number of unreconciled payouts. Once there, simply match this invoice against the payout in the bank feed. (https://storage.crisp.PopularHow do I import orders older than 1 month?
To backdate orders, you'll first need to buy a one off pass to do so, this will allow you to backdate orders and payouts for an unlimited amount of time. You can buy this here (You'll need to be logged into Reconcilely) Once this is done, you can backdate individual orders from the "Recent Direct Orders" screen using the date picker. If you need to backdate payouts, reach out to us via live chat with the date range you would liSome readersHow does Work?
The first thing to take note off is that doesn't import every order paid using Shopify Payments into your Xero. Instead we operate on the principal that 'Shopify Payments' is a customer of you (they hold your money) and all your orders / Shopify customers, are customers of 'Shopify Payments' (they collect the money on your behalf). This means you only need to send one invoice to 'Shopify Payments' for all the orders a payout contains. We also haveSome readersHow do I reconcile my Shopify payout to the invoices that posts to Xero?
Reconciling within Xero is a breeze once you have connected Xero + together. All you need to do is head to your Dashboard within Xero. Your different accounts will display the number of unreconciled payouts. Select "Reconcile x Items" You should see your Shopify payouts automatically matched up with a green highlight over the Shopify payout amount. All you have to do is select “OK” and theSome readersWhat happens if I have a negative payout balance in Shopify?
Sometimes you might have refunded more orders than sold in a payout period, resulting in a negative payout that charges you. takes care of this for you, when this occurs we will do all the working out of which account to credit/debit based on the original order. Then a credit note will be sent to your Xero. Before you can reconcile this though, you'll need to go to the credit note and apply the refund. As per below: (https://storage.crisp.cSome readersI can't find the correct account in the mappings?
If you can't find the account you're looking for in the mapping dropdown options, it is likely because of one of two reasons: The account you're looking for is not a normal account type for the field you are mapping to. For example, if you are trying to map an income to an expense account. If you want to see all accounts, simply go to 'Mapping Options' and click 'Show all account options'. ( readersHow are PayPal fees reconciled?
Shopify Apps in general do not have access to see what the fees are for orders that are not Shopify Payments. For PayPal there is an easy solution: simply set up the PayPal bank feed in Xero then you'll see the transaction and fee as two separate items You can match our invoice to the transaction and code the fees easily The other thing you'll see in that feed is the withdrawal (payout). You can simply reconcile that as a transfer to your bank account and you're doFew readersWhere do payouts from Shopify go when sends them to Xero?
Once a payout has been processed by, it will automatically create an invoice and then send this invoice to Xero. You can find this invoice in Xero under “Accounts” ⇾ “Sales”.Few readersMy item codes aren't being sent to Xero and my inventory isn't decrementing. How can I create an item code in Xero for each SKU?
In the Order Settings page, you'll find an option to toggle on creating item codes for each SKU in Xero. Please take note that payout invoices are consolidated and thus cannot include item codes. In the event you really need to do that, we recommend turning consolidation off.Few readersIf each item sold comes in as a separate invoice, how do I map multiple items sold to one order payment?
That is done as part of the reconciliation process in Xero, you'll need to select the multiple invoices involved using the 'find & match' tab in Xero reconciliation screen. Reach out to us if you have any other questions!Few readersEditing Xero accounts to change tax type
From your Xero account, navigate to Account Chart of accounts: Select the account you wish to edit and adjust the default tax setting for it.Few readersHow do I send orders to Xero marked as 'Paid'?
Invoices in Xero are marked as paid once they have a payment against them, its not a "status". There are two ways to do that: Option A — Mark as paid through reconciliation When you reconcile an invoice and match it against the actual deposit in the bank feed, that will mark it as paid. This is our recommended way and what 90% of our customers do. Option B — Send payments alongside orders You can have send the payment too, and match the payment in Xero. To do tFew readersHow do I match the Xero contact's name to be a company's name?
If you sell B2B, odds are you have orders being made by company accounts and partners. It makes sense to ensure that contacts created for those customers on Xero reflect the company name. With this setting, Reconcilely will automatically set the contact name on Xero to the company name if it is present in the billing details of the order. If it is not available, it will default to the usual first and last names for the contact. ( readersHow do we handle tax? doesn't calculate any taxes. It simply grabs what is configured on your Shopify tax settings and then our app lets you choose which account various income streams get mapped to. This lets Xero keep control over calculating tax. For example: If we see an item has tax included from Shopify, we will code it against your nominated Xero account for taxable sales. This lets Xero calculate tax at the correct rate. So, it's worth making sure your order tFew readersWhy doesn't every order from Shopify get sent to Xero? focuses on creating a solution to make reconciling payouts easier & keeping your Xero account accurate and up to date. Because a payout usually contains multiple orders, we focus on working out within each payout, which orders are tax-exempt, the fees contained within each order, and making sure that if you have refunded orders, these are appropriately debiting the appropriate sales account. This means you can trust that your accounting is accurate, aFew readersWhy does the contact created in Xero have a number in the name?
If you're choosing the export orders from all gateways, and have chosen to export to contact information also, then you may have noticed that these contact names look a little unusual, as they will have an ID. In short, this is meant to avoid having duplicates, as explained in this other guide. Also, if tries toFew readersHow to add a new product type on Shopify?
If you need to use Custom Mappings to target specific products in, then you'll need to give them product type for the app to display them. Here's how: Add a Product Type : 1- Login to your Shopify admin panel 2- Click on Products Add a product (if you plan to add one) and enter the product details such as Title, Description, Images. 3- Under 'Organization', you will see 'Product Type'. Add a Product Type there by simply typing in the name of the type. (https://storage.Few readersWhy are my Amazon or eBay orders not being sent?
If you have eBay or Amazon marketplace connected to your Shopify, and see those orders created in Shopify, but is not picking these up, here's why: Due to the payment not taking place in Shopify, the "Order Paid" event never takes place. (Even though the order is marked as paid). This means any app, including will not be notified of this order. One way to work around this would be to change the triggerFew readersWhat doesn’t do? takes all your sales data and converts this into invoices pushed into Xero. However, cannot: Complete the final reconciliation, you still need to match the payout against the invoice we sent. (Xero usually automatically picks this up) Calculate tax. The tax will be calculated by Xero depending the account mapping that you choose. In the US, calculate state tax. Tax will be calculated bFew readersWhen and how does data sync occur?
Data to/from Xero We get organisation and account data when you log in, and each time you change your settings. We send an invoice or credit note to Xero automatically each time we have the data ready to send. Data to/from Shopify We get Shop information when you log in. We check for new payouts on a regular basis. We listen for order data in real time.Few readers